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Missouri Lions
Eye Mission

Poza Rica
June 20-24 Missouri Lions will travel to Poza Rica, Mexico. Poza Rica is a rural area about an hour from the gulf and 3 hours southeast of mexico City. The two days of mission is expected to serve almost 1500 area residents.
Juchitan Oaxaca, Mexico is the site of the second Missouri Lions eye mission for 2019 and is September 5-9. Again in four days with two days of mission about 1500 people will be given vision examinations.
Over the next few months Missouri Lions Eye Mission Foundation needs to outfit a "doctors kit" with basic testing equipment, glass cleaner, wipes. first aid box and other minor items. Cost for this "doctor's kit" is in the neighborhood of $5,000.
Special Equipment
Welch Allyn SPOT Vision cameras have been purchased by Lions Multiple Districts 26-M2 and 26-M3 and will be available to assist in pre-screening patients prior to seeing the doctors. This sppeds up the process and enables the volunteers to see more people and distribute recycled eye glasses to more enabling them to have improved vision.
Missouri Lions now have a location for storing recycled eye glasses in Jefferson City. Storage is available. Cleaning, sorting and reading is being performed by District 26-M5 Lions, Contact PDGE Jeff Hilke for more information.
Glasses must be "read" to determine their exact prescription in order to be distributed to those in need. This requires a Lensometer that measures the prescription for both single vision and bifocals.
Eventually we hope to be able to distribute the recycled eye glasses throughout the world to those in need. by using our trained volunteer doctors and technicians and sending them with other groups on missions here in the mid-west as well as other countries.
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